Within 30-90 Days

Please note that this is general information for within the first 30-90 days. More detailed information on each section can be found within this site.

Human Resources (typical issues)

  1. Education Leaves: Get details on employer-paid education (mandatory training) versus an employee request for education leave for a conference/workshop, etc.
  2. Posting jobs on HR Connect: Attached is the step-by-step guide (you can often cross-reference info needed with ESP). Jobs postings will remain on HR Connect for the following durations before being released (it might take a day or two to see the posting as it gets vetted by the HR Recruitment Advisor first):
    • HEU: 7 Days
    • BCNU: 10 Days
    • HSA: 10 Days

    Talk with other Patient Care Managers to further discuss questions you have about job postings.

  3. Interviews for postings: Check to see if other PCMs have interview questions. You can ask Recruitment for templates for staffing positions. Please also ensure you use questions related to Patient and Family Centered Care. If you create your own questions, check with your Recruitment advisor and make sure to send them a copy for their review, as there are things that you may/may not be able to ask candidates.
  4. Check with the Rotation Specialist if changes are required for rotations. Please see the Guidelines for Revised Rotation(s) document for further details.
  5. Union Leave requests are sent to Human Resources at phcunionleave@providencehealth.bc.ca or faxed to 604-806-8144. The forms are available on PHC Connect.

    HR will collaborate with you and Staffing.

  6. Staffing clerks deal with shift swaps. Regular staff can swap with casual staff. A swap of a swap is possible.
  7. Leaves of Absence:  Staff must complete and submit these forms (link to it). You need to approve these requests.  It is helpful to learn about Automated Shift Callout and EARL for short-term vacancies.

Leader on Call (LOC)

If you are a new PCM, you will generally not be placed on the LOC schedule/rotation during the first six months on the job. Check with the PCM group or speak with your Program Director. The first few times as a Leader on Call may be anxiety provoking. Please make sure to utilize your peer mentor, and other leaders as resources and support.  You are not alone. 

Speak to the Emergency Management Committee chair to be orientated in the event the Emergency Operations Centre will need to be activated.

Please refer to the LOC section of this website for more detailed information as well as a Leader On Call Orientation.  Please note that you require a password to access the LOC section. For information on how to request a password or login to the LOC section of the website, visit leadersresource.providencehealthcare.org/loc-login-information

Familiarize yourself with the Surge Plan.

Performance Excellence @ 60 Days

By now, we hope you’ve had your Setting Expectations conversation with your manager, you’ve forged a solid start to your partnership and you’re feeling more confident in what will be expected of you in your new role.  View the Employee’s 1st 60 Days video to better understand the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting process of Performance Excellence.

Performance Excellence @ 90 Days

At this point in your new hire journey, you’re starting to feel a bit more settled into your new role and have set some important first goals for your work here at Providence.  You’re ready to begin having regular Performance Conversations with your manager.  View the Employee’s 1st 90 Days video to learn about the Performance Conversation process

Decision Support Analyst (as needed)

This person will assist with getting stats for your areas. You will need to know what type of stats you may need to request (e.g., average length of stay (LOS); patients seen in program, etc.)

Communications Department (as needed)

It is not recommended that you talk with media directly. Always check with the Communications Leaders or redirect the query to the Communications Leaders and give your PD a heads-up. This applies to any type of media request, or if you hear that someone is going to go to the media. Ministry of Health issues need to be directed to your PD and Communications.

Patient Care Representative (as needed)

Generally patient complaints will go to the Patient Care Representative.

You may be contacted by Patient Relations if there is an issue in your area.

Privacy and Risk Management (as needed)

If there is any breach of confidentiality or if you have questions about privacy, talk to the leader for Privacy and Information. If you are wondering about the legalities of a risk management issue, a Risk Manager can help you.  

Infection Prevention and Control

If you have any questions about infection issues, contact Infection Prevention And Control.

Performance Improvement Specialist for Clinical Teams 

Quality Improvement initiatives are supported by Performance Improvement Consultants (PICs). Connect with your PD to set up a meet and greet with your programs' PIC. A summary of PHC performance indicators is viewable (via Google Chrome, only) here

Last updated Tue, Oct 23, 2018