Bed turnaround times

We know that there are a number of factors that impact our ability to meet our 10-hr target.

Bed turnaround times is one of those factors.

A working group has been identified to work in partnership with Crothall, our contracted cleaning service, to proactively look at issues and barriers related to the cleaning and turning over of our beds.

As a result, Crothall has identified the need for a “Flow Champion” who will attend the morning bed meeting, follow-up on any pinch points, and ensure good communication between clinical and Crothall staff. We are excited to see the outcome of this positon, and are equally as excited to work with this Flow Champion, who is as invested in reducing the time it takes to transition patients to the appropriate level of care as we are.

If you have a bed turnaround issue that you’d like to discuss with our Flow Champion, please contact Diane Kierstead (x68962).  

Last updated Tue, Dec 8, 2020